Unsure where to start?
1. You have taken the first step to take action and responsibility for your carbon footprint. You are here. Well done.
2. Choose the amount of carbon dioxide you want to reduce from the atmosphere.
3. Proceed to checkout. You will soon have made a real difference.
How much should I compensate?
*A MacPro with three years of use is about 0.4 tons of carbon dioxide. A trip by car for about 500 km is one ton. A flight from Stockholm to Thailand produces around 3,6 tons of emissions. 38 kg of beef is one ton. According to the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, the average Swede emits 10 tons annually.
Creturner unique method
Creturner creates a fast, accurate, and permanent solution to eliminate CO2. The elevated levels of CO2 in the atmosphere are creating increasingly acute problems, such as extreme weather with storms, droughts, torrential rain, and flooding. The delivery of a true carbon offset is carried out to customers wherever they are in the world.
Creturner converts residual biomass into the element carbon, which is then deposited to create a carbon sink to reduce the amount of carbon in the atmosphere. We have our own facilities in Sweden with our own energy production from our solar field. The field generates 2.3 megawatts, reducing raw material costs and environmental impact. Creturner's method is fast, accurate, permanent, and measurable. Follow-up is done through linked smart contracts that give the customer insight into the results and a future financial return.